domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

de regreso... back... zurück...

... en el aeropuerto con Judith y Gudrun... Flughafen mit Gudrun und Judith... the airport with Judith and Gudrun... Zug mit Luis... the train with Luis (my brother)...
... en el tren con Luis... my aunt and oncle's place...
... en casa de mis tíos...
... bei Tante und Onkel...

last day... der letzte Tag... el último día.... the hospital Krankenhaus
...en el hospital

good bye at the airport
Abschied im Flughafen
despedida en el aeropuerto

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008


fuer die vielen Geburtstagsmails und -gruesse!
por todos los saludos cumpleanieros!
for all your birthday wishes!



This morning, when I was walking to take the microbus, which would take me for the last time (this time, I hope) to the TUTH, a bird shit on my head. They told me, it is a lucky sign. I really wish it's so. I wish it means that I'm coming back, maybe soon, maybe in some years...

I'm at the airport in Doha now, waiting for my flight to Frankfurt... thinking about the past four months, thinking about before that time... remembering everything. To be sincere, when I just arrived I didn't like the city Kathmandu, I didn't like Thamel and I didn't know much about TUTH. With the days, getting used to many new things, finding some others which reminded me about my own place (Guatemala) and above that, after the trip to Palpa (with many off the surgeons), I started feeling more and more confortable in Kathmandu, in Thamel, in TUTH! And now, as I'm leaving I can only say that I don't know exactly how to feel. On the one hand, I'm feeling happy to see and meet many beloved people in Germany again (my brother, my family, my friends), on the other hand I'm feeling sad for leaving Nepal, but also glad and happy that I'm sad, because being sad means, that I'm missing Kathmandu, to miss it means, that I enjoyed, that I'm leaving a part of my heart there... and it makes the possibility of coming back much more bigger!

I'll try to improve my English, to feel the same joy writintg as when I'm writing in Spanish or German and so, make the reading more enjoyable! Oh yes, I'll be very very happy to get some comments or mails!

Hope to hear or see you soon, either in Nepal or in Germany or in Guatemala!

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

fliegen volar fly

am Freitag fliege ich. das wird wohl der letzte Eintrag aus Nepal. Es war toll hier und ich werde es vermissen.
el viernes me voy de aqui. este sera presumiblemente mi ultima entrada estando aqui. fue grandioso y estare extraniando este lugar. ya lo hago.
i'll fly back to Europe on Friday. i think this is my last posting while beeing in Nepal. it was a wonderfull and great time here. i'll be missing everything and everybody here! Thanks!


El pastel Der Kuchen The cake

(deberia haber sido mas grande, pero tambien le hizo y nos divertimos mucho!)
(should have been bigger, but it was ok! and we had lots of fun!)
(haette groesser sein koennen, war aber trotzdem gut und wir hatten grossen Spass!)

So begann meine 27. Geburtstagsfeier, gestern. Mit vielen Nepali und einige Deutsche, mit viel Spass und Freude, Kuchen, Essen und Bier!
Asi empezo la fiesta para mi 27 cumpleanios. Rodeada de nepalis y algunos alemanes, con mucha alegria, risas, pastel, comida y cerveza!
The party for my 27th Birthday started with the cake. I was surrounded by my Nepali friends, some Germans, lots of fun, laughing, cake, food and beer!


pass the cake Kuchen weiterleiten pasar el pastel


regalos, brindis y demas... Geschenke, Anstossen und so... gifts, cheers and so on...

regalos, brindis y demas... Geschenke, Anstossen und so... gifts, cheers and so on...


la gente que estuvo alli...
einige der Geladenenen...
some of the guests...


Y para terminar bien la noche, nos fuimos los restantes a la Buddha Bar, tomamos mojito y platicamos, mientras al fondo sonaba una musica bastante rara de tambores. No lo recuerdo muy bien, estaba bastante borracha...

Um den Abend gut zu beenden, sind wir zur Buddha Bar gegangen und haben dort was getrunken, diskutiert, waehrend im Hintergrung Lifemusik spielte. Ich war so betrunken, dass ich nur weiss, es war komisch, aber ich weiss nicht was!

For the end, we went to the Buddha Bar, had some more drinks and were talking and listening to the music. I don't remember what it was... i was drunk!

22 de marzo, 22. Maerz, 22th of march

Para acabar...
Zum Schluss...
For the end...

dulces de leche y especias muy duros
very hard milk and spices sweets
sehr harte Milch-Gewuerz-Suessigkeiten

Al final estuvimos taaan, taaan llenas...!!!!
Wir waren danach soooo voll...!!!
We were sooo full after that meal...!!!!

Aber es war wunderschoen!
Fue maravilloso!
It was wonderfull!

22 de marzo, 22. Maerz, 22th of march

mas comida... noch mehr Essen... more food...


Dal Bhat, Takari & Achad

Curd (Gourd)

wooden work

22 de marzo, 22. Maerz, 22th of march

La comida
Das Essen
The food


worshiping to the gods
ofrenda a los dioses
fuer die Goetter

local wine

puri & takari



22 de marzo, 22. Maerz, 22th of march

Para empezar con tiempo y tranquilamente a celebrar, Julia me invito a comer a un lugar bien elegante y bonito... Es un hotel donde restauraron muchos detalles arquitectonicos de la cultura del valle de Kathmandu, se llama Newar. Las mujeres que sirven la comida estan vestidas a la usanza de la region y la comida tambien es la tipica de aqui. Aqui les van unas fotos de como comenzo todo...

Julia hat mich am Tag vor meinem Geburtstag in ein sehr edles Newari-Lokal zum Essen eingeladen. In diesem Lokal sind viele der Holzarbeiten verschiedener Orte der Region restauriert ausgestellt. Und alles wird nach den hiesigen Gebraeuche gehalten. Hier einige Bilder davon!

This was the preBirthday Dinner, which Julia gave me as a gift. It was really nice and tastefull, all in Newarstyle!


Das Farbenfest, wo das Gute ueber das Boese siegt. Wir haben in Julias Waisenhaus ausserhalb Kathmandus mit den Kindern gefeiert. Sehr lustig, nass, farbig und schoen.
La fiesta de los colores, en la que lo bueno vence a lo malo. Nosotras celebramos en un orfanatorio que Julia conoce, fue muy chistoso, colorido, humedo...
The Color Festival, when good wins above evil. We celebrated in one orphanage, colorfull, wet and happy!


Braga - Pissang